Graduate College Debt Free!

Thoughts I had before going to college…

“This is great…but how am I gonna afford this.”

Little did I know God had something great in store for my family and I. A debt free trip down college lane!

You read that right!

I was able to graduate college DEBT FREE! That is a huge blessing but also a lot of work. Lot’s of essays written, lots of discouragement and lots of encouragement. Here are a few tips I learned along the way to win scholarships.

  • Search the Internet

The top website I searched mostly was There are tons of scholarships available on this site. All you have to do is put in your high school or college credentials and a list of scholarships you are eligible for appears. I know it can be annoying constantly writing essays but what if you were in the perfect position to write an essay and receive a perfect scholarship. It will all pay off in the end.

Also, go to search engines and search key terms. I’ll be honest I was not the brightest bulb in the shed, so I didn’t graduate from high school top 2%…or 5%…or 10%…. So to find fitting scholarships for me wasn’t that easy. I started to search for “Scholarships for African Americans.” “Scholarships for Black Women.” “Scholarships for “blank” SAT and ACT scores” Different results would pop right up for me then.

Also, reword your key term search. I would search for “Scholarships for black women” and I would also search for “Black women scholarships.” While searching for scholarships choose your words wisely.

Here are some links that will jump-start your internet search.


  • Contact your counselor


There are tons of scholarships available that your counselor knows about. In reality, there is tons of free money out there. People just don’t know about it. Ask your counselor. If she/he doesn’t have the materials in their office they will point you to the right direction.


  • Ask Around


My very first scholarship wasn’t thousands of dollars but it was enough to cover the necessities for my first year in college including my books. I asked around to people at my church, work and teachers at school. I got lots of positive feedback from all people I went up to and asked. Just think about it… because you don’t want to ask someone for help could make you think again towards the near future. Ask and reach out you never know where your blessing can come from.


  • Financial Aid


PLEASE APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID! This is freest of the free money! Ask your parent or guardian to apply for financial aid. And please do it EARLY. The earlier, the better. When you get accepted to college and apply for financial aid you have the option to accept loans or not. I choose not to accept the loans but accepted the grants instead. I was able to receive two grants that covered half of my tuition and fees. But remember, it’s important to apply for financial aid early. Like, NOW early!


  • Visit your future university’s website


Now, you may be an upperclassman in college and still in need for financial assistance. There is still plenty of free money out there for you as well. Visit your school website and look for the scholarships they have available. There are scholarships depending on what major you’re in to what hair color you have. Your GPA can be a factor as well as your essay. Get out there and see what your school has to offer you. Think about finances after graduation.


Everyone loves money when it’s Free.99. And to not worry about loans after graduation is icing on the cake. The opportunity is out there, it’s up to you to find it.


How excited are you for college to get FREE money?!



